The 47-year-old had taken to his Twitter page to make his stance on the practice of foreskin removal - a standard medical procedure and, in some religions a sacred rite, very clear.
He had said: 'Circumcision is barbaric and stupid. Who are you to correct nature? Is it real that GOD requires a donation of foreskin? Babies are perfect.
'I will always stand for the perfection of babies, i will always believe in God, not man's interpretation of what God requires.
'Last of it, if [you] feel it is [your] right to cut things off [your] babies please unfollow and f*** off, I'll take attentive parenting over barbarism.'
However, Russell has now apologised for causing anyone any offence.
The Gladiator actor said: 'This [Twitter] is a great forum for communication, I, like any human have my opinions and you all have yours, thank you for trusting me with them.
'I have a deep and abiding love for all people of all nationalities, I'm very sorry that I have said things on here that have caused distress.
'My personal beliefs aside I realise that some will interpret this debate as me mocking the rituals and traditions of others. I am very sorry.'