The 47-year-old actor launched a 105 day plan to fight the flab on June 17, and is already well on his way to achieving his goal of losing 41lbs.
Writing on his Twitter page, the 47-year-old father-of-two updated fans on his success.
'220lbs this morning, started at 236.4 lbs. 45 min walk, 12 mins eliptical, weighted objects 40 mins, walk 25 mins. 2400 cal a day maximum, all meals & all beverages. Where possible gluten free (sic).'
He has been offering regular updates via the microblogging site for anyone following his progress.
Last month he wrote, 'day 12 of a 105 day training period, there is a long way to go, one layer of tissue paper per day of effort and diet ... it takes a long time (sic).
'My goal around 185lb started at 236.4 (sic)'