School of Seven Bells have announced a short run of European shows kicking off on March 8th at The Garage in London. The Brooklyn duo made up of Benajmin Curtis and Alejandra Deheza are set to release third album 'Ghostory' on February 27th on Full Time Hobby with their new single 'Lafaye' due February 20th.
Ghostory is the follow-up to the band's past releases, Alpinisms and Disconnect From Desire. On the new record, the duo strings together nine lush pieces to tell the story of the aforementioned Lafaye and the ghosts that surround her life. Thematically, the story is somewhat personal to the group, as the writing sessions for this album was a more intimate and direct experience. As Curtis explains "Ghosts are everything that's ever happened to you that you haven't been able to let go of, like someone you love, or someone you hate." The emphatic bellows of Lafaye and her fellow ghosts are heard loud and clear from beginning to end on this record.
School of Seven Bells European Tour:
08/03 - The Garage - London
10/03 - Botanique - Witloof - Belgium, Brussels
11/03 - Bitterzoet - Amsterdam, Netherlands
12/03 - Point Ephemere - Paris, France
14/03 - Festsaal Kreuzberg - Berlin, Germany