Stone Temple Pilots first studio album in nine years is expected to debut at number one of the US chart next week, although it will have poor first week sales.
The self-titled Stone Temple Pilots album, their sixth studio release, is tracking to sell somewhere between 65,000 and 70,000 units, quotes
In the 90s, Stone Temple Pilots were one of America's biggest rock bands. Their 1992 debut album sold 8 million units in the USA while only getting to no. 3. The follow-up in 1994, 'Purple', was a number one record and sold around 6 million.
Subsequent albums by Stone Temple Pilots were 'Tiny Music … Songs From The Vatican Gift Soft' in 1996 (2 million), 'No. 4' in 1999 (1 million) and 'Shangri-La Dee Da' in 2001 (500,000).
Stone Temple Pilots US hits include 'Plush' ,'Vasoline', 'Interstate Love Song' and 'Big Empty' from 1994, 'Dancing Days' from 1995, 'Big Bang Baby', 'Lady Picture Show' and 'Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart' in 1996, 'Down' and 'Sour Girl' in 1999 and 'Days of the Week' in 2001.