A ballet inspired by the music of Sufjan Stevens is set to open in New York.
Part of the New York Choreographic Institute's 10th Anniversary Celebration, the shows will take place at Columbia University's Miller Theatre on November 5 and 6.
The performances will see choreographer Justin Peck use the music from 'Run Rabbit Run', a reworked version of Stevens' 'Enjoy Your Rabbit' album, which was performed by the Osso string quartet.
"The choreography I have been developing is wholly inspired by Sufjan's music," Peck told Pitchfork. "Which acts as sort of a blueprint to build the movement off of."
Tickets for the shows are on sale now. For more information, visit MillerTheatre.
Earlier this week (October 11), Sufjan Stevens released his new album 'The Age Of Adz'.