Take That have smashed records in the U.K. with the band's comeback album 'Progress' becoming the highest first-week seller in 13 years.
Within a week, 'Progress' sold just shy of 520,000 copies, which is the highest opening week since Oasis' 1997 album 'Be Here Now'.
The band have released several albums since their heyday after reforming in 2006, but without original member Robbie Williams who left to pursue a hugely successful solo career, they never quite matched their peak, but earlier this year it was announced that Robbie would rejoin the band and it has proved fruitful.
In 1995 the band exploded onto the world with 'Back For Good' from the album 'Nobody Else'. They were one of the giants of the boy band phenomenon and easily the most successful to come out of the UK.
Rihanna's 'Loud' entered the charts at number two and didn't stand a chance.