Vanessa White admits she and The Saturdays were 'star-struck seeing Jennifer Lopez'.
The band have just returned to the UK after spending three months in the US shooting their E! reality show 'Chasing The Saturdays' and although they met many stars they were in awe of J.Lo.
Vanessa told the Metro newspaper: 'We performed at the [Golden Globes] after-party, which was amazing even to be asked. We were a bit star struck seeing J-Lo and everyone.
'We were a bit nervous to go on stage - it's not your normal audience. Anne Hathaway and everyone from 'Les Miserables' were there, plus 50 Cent too. It was odd to see Anne Hathaway chilling at her table.'
The 'What About Us' hitmakers' every move was filmed for their TV series and Vanessa - who is joined in the girl group by Una Healy, Rochelle Humes, Mollie King and Frankie Sandford - thinks the programme gives their fans a unique insight into their lives.
The 23-year-old beauty said: 'It's good to let people see behind the scenes and show everyone that we do actually get on. We're like a family unit, which is good to put out there for other girls our age.
'They film everything and I do sometimes I did think, 'F**k, I wish they weren't filming this,' because we do have our emotional moments. But we signed up for it, so we have to put it out there.'