A new video by The Streets has been banned from TV because of its shocking sex, drugs and violence content.
Radio stations have also censored the explicit lyrics in Blinded by the LIght, which tells the story of a drink and drug-fuelled night at a friend's wedding reception.
The video shows Streets frontman Mike Skinner drinking and taking drugs before he's beaten up and left in a pool of blood. His friend is shown using a mobile phone to film himself receiving oral sex.
TV watchdog Ofcom reckon the graphic scenes are far too explicit to pass their strict guidelines.
Top Of The Pops and CD:UK say it might only be possible for them to show a few seconds of the video at a time. And they are having to rely on Mike making live appearances with an edited version if they want to play the song.
Satellite station MTV have sidestepped some of the tough regulations on condition they play the video after 11pm.
Radio 1 can't play the song on the breakfast show or during their afternoon drive time slot - when kids are most likely to be listening.