Old Sand Mill

Take Me Down Lyrics

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Old Sand Mill - Take Me Down lyrics

Could you be but earth and rain?
Fields of wind and barley grain
Sunlit sparkles on the tree
I would not say farewell to thee

Could you be but oranges?
Sweet and filled with promises
Nightingales in harmony
(Like back clouds on Calvary)
I would not say farewell to thee

Take me down softly, take me down
I must take my leave
Of the joys and the sorrow
My love gave to me
Old Sand Mill - Take Me Down - http://motolyrics.com/old-sand-mill/take-me-down-lyrics.html
Could you be but August moons?
Gathered with my silver spoon
Lyrics sung so easily
(Be they one or twenty-three)
I would not say farewell to thee

Could you love me once again?
Could you but remember when?
The loneliness you touched in me
(Kissed your wishes endlessly)
I would not say farewell to thee

Copyrights © 2006 & 2011
Old Sand Mill Music, Ltd

SHP Records/Brain Muscle Media/BMI Music International

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