Steph Lacroix

Memorise Lyrics

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Steph Lacroix - Memorise lyrics


I might know somethings that,might not make sense to you right now
But hey it might just have bein rumours
Who started that shit
What's yea talking about
Cause it aint true
You got me

Sara,back in 7th grade
When i was telling everywon that you were such a babe
But won day my dream finally came true
When i ask yea out
Two days l8er it was a yes
Two minuts after i said that girls the best
Kayla was crying bout uss
I said it's finish between uss
You were such a good girl, But shy
Its ok cause you were my angel, so u can fly
We werent talking that much
We werent touching that much
But i loved you soo much
That i could of hug you for a bunch
About three or for months,You thaught i cheated with those cunts
And i didn't finger that chick
I just Hade a coupl drinks
You didn't believe me
Then you broked up with me
Then that broked my heart,Cause i loved u all my heart

Now hush little cuty,I love you now
Im just saying how i love you now
Stiffen that uper lip up little cuty
I told yea stephy's here to hold yea
Throught the night
Here i am loving you right now, And i don't no why
We feel how we feel inside
It may seem prety crazy pretty cuty
But i promise
Im gona hold yea day or night

Its funy
I remember after we broked up
When i knew you still liked me
And somme chicks was telling you should stuck up
But i said she's fucked up
But i loved you all my heart
So bomb 2 days
Before yea birth day
I ask yea out
This time the responce wasent think about
It was a yes
I said that gurl is the hottest
So then we were going out
A coupl times i was gona flip out
Cause you were such a flirt
Its a good thing you didn't have a skirt
Cause you wouldent be a virgin today
But i toked it easy
I said i love you sweetay

Now hush little cuty,I love you now
Im just saying how i love you now
Stiffen that upper lip up lil cuty
I told yea stphy's here to hold yea
Throught the night
Here i am loving yea right now,And i don't no why
We feel how we fell inside
It may seem lil crazy pretty cuty
But i promise
Im gona hold yea day or night

On feburary 16th
I went to Nickel Back's concert
Do was a flirt
You heard at the tournement
That i frenched do
It was all bullshit
Cause it's a bullshiter that told's yo
I wont say her name
But why didn't you stay in yea own biswacks
Martine that's her name
So go eat yea own fucking snacks
All cause of you
That was a strike two
And that was all cause of you
At my Birth Day i ask yea out
You said,Yes
It was a flat out
I said that gurl is adorest

Now hush lil cuty, I love you now
Im just saying how i love you now
Stiffen that upper lip up little cuty
I told yea stephy's here to hold yea
Thraught the night
Here i am loving yea right now,And i don't no why
We feel how we feel inside
It may seem lil crazy pretty cuty
But i promise
Im gona hold yea day or night

Here we go again
Were going out again
But now we were talking a little
And touching a little
And seeing eachother a little more
I was all happy to get yea back
Remember at France's house
That perade day
I deside to talk a walk at the bay
I smoked cause i was soo fucking stressed out
Cause nothing was comming out
Of yea fucking mouth
But like always i loved you so i didn't say fuck all
But at the end of the night i wanted uss to be over
But i loved you soo much,You were the only thing in my heart
And you loved me soo much that i felt bad
And i loved you soo much so i said fuck that
But like always one fucking week later
I hade a call saying that it was over
I fucking freak'd out
'cause you left me all out
But one or two weeks after
Here we go again
Back together
I think i fucked up again ???

Now hush little cuty,I love you now
Im just saying how i love you now
Stiffen that upper lip up little cuty
I told yea stephy's here to hold yea
Thraught the night
Here i am loving yea right now,And i don't no why
We feel how we feel inside
It may seem crazy pretty cuty
But i promise
Im gona hold yea day or night

Ok this is the last time
That i ask yea out
But i shouldent cause i just waist my timeSteph Lacroix - Memorise -
Nothing was comming out of yea fucking mouth
I started to call you
I was asking you question
It was always a No,Yes or You
You never ask my opinion
I started to realize that u hade something rong
Cause u started to be moody
And you started to be a flirt
And you were acting all hoty
Then we broked up
You fucking clirk
You told me right on the phone
I asked you if yea liked somewon els
You said no,no,no
I said Bullshit,I know you like somewon els
There it goes again no,no,no
Two days later yea best friend tells me that u liked somewon els
When we were going out
You were evan talking on the phone with somewon els
His name was Mitch Bazinet
You fucking skank
Yea you heard me yea fucking skank
It was all over
But i just didn't cared
I just didn't fucking cared,you fucking player
Now just flirt with those ten thousend guy's
Just won more thing

Now hush little Bitch,I hate yea now
Im just saying how i hate yea now
Stiffen that upper lip up little bitch
I told yea stephy's here to diss yea
Throught the night
Here i am hating you right now,And i know why
We fell how we feel inside
It may seem crazy little fucking bitch
But i promise
Im gona diss yea day or night

Now it's the last time
That you fuck around with my mind
Now you with that little queer
And he thinks that he's giving me feer
But guess what little pussy
You aint giving me a single cheer
Remember at the party
Little pussy
Steph saw yea shwong
It was like one inch long
Now back to the skank
You think you all prety like ve shank
But you look like shawna
Now just get ready to get diss
Cause im piss
Look at me slut
Im dissing yea
Im dissing that little prety boy
Just don't play with his toy
Cause you'll never find it
Cause it's soo small that it looks just like a clit
Yo queer don't play with Sara's legs
Cause it's soo fucking hairy,Its called a shaver
A shaver is for shaving legs
Alright now fucker
Won rule is the book
You touch her pussy
I'll fry you like a cook
Alright now listen to me slut
Stop being such a bitch
You fucking cunt
Cause yea little boy is gona have a coupl stitch
Mat stop fucking around
Cause when im pissed i aint fucking around
Cause there is gona be three hits
One,Me hitting you
Two,You hitting the ground
Three,Ambulance hitting 150 on highway
If you aint beleiving me
You sher could cause it's true
Be right back Pussy

Now hush little Bitch,I hate you now
Im just saying how i hate you now
Stiffen that upper lip up little bitch
I told yea stephy's here to diss yea
Throught the night
Here i am hating yea right now,And i know why
We feel how we feel inside
It may seem little crazy little fucking bitch
But i promise
Im gona diss yea day throught night

Im back
Sara remember
Back in september
In 2003
I went to a party
Truth is that
I got lade
She wasent fat
Occurting to me she was a babe
Cause you werent talking to me
That was fucking buging me
After u came just to fucking anoying
Cause you were fucking boaring
Now you all acting flirt
I know you just trying to piss me off
It aint working you fucking clirk
Cause you aint turning me on,yea getting me off
You pissing everybody off you no
Cause yea no yea bieautiful
That aint good cause uh o!
Cause you look like a pitbull
Stop acting smart
Cause you think like a tart
I fucking hate you
One thing Fuck You
How many friends do u have
I think i have more on won hand
Freinds you haha that's to fu
Well now i hope you get the point
That i hate you
So Fuck You

Now hush litle bitch,I hate you now
Im just saying how i hate you now
Stiffen that upper lip up little bitch
I told yea stephy's here to diss yea
Throught the night
Here i am dissing yea right now,And i know why
We feel how we feel inside
It may seem little crazy little fucking Bitch
But i promise
Im gona diss yea day throught night

Yo Sara you listening
Im doing part two right now
So Bye Bye you fucking cow.........To be continued..........

Stephane Lacroix Tuesday, December 07,2004 8:15 PM

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