The Band From Rockall

Nighean Òg Nan Sùilean Ciùin Lyrics

Nighean Òg Nan Sùilean Ciùin video

The Band From Rockall - Nighean Òg Nan Sùilean Ciùin lyrics

Thòisich là' mar là' sam bith eile
Dh' èirich grian le cuid dòchais is blàiths
Ach mu chrioch na h-oidhche cò shaoileadh
Gun do chaochail mo shaoghal gu bràth
Dhùisg na solais an talla a bhaile
Chaidh an ceòl a-mach tarsainn a' chuain
'S ann an sin a chiad chunnaic mi a' ghruagach
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin

Bha soillse anns an aite san robh i seasamh
Aingeal cho àlainn is grinn
Le falt dorch a' tighinn tarsainn a guailinn
Òigh cho bòidheach sa chunnaic mi riamh
Dh' fhalbh mo chùram mar shaighead
Is m' anam mar chlach-iùil bhuam
'S gu grad bhiodh sinn dannsa ri chèile
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin

Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin
Gu grad bhiodh sinn dannsa ri cheile
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin

Tha na bliadhnaichean air dhol seachad
'S iomadh grian a dh' eirich bhon là'
Tha cho drùite 's cho glaiste nam chuimhne
Cho buan ri cearcal, ri fàinne,
Ach chan eil àm nas beannaichte air talamh
Seach nuair tha gaol abaich is ùr
Ach dh'fhàs an gaol sin nas doimhne

Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin
Dh'fhàs an gaol sin nas doimhne
Nighean òg nan sùilean ciùin

Lìon i mo bheatha le stòras
'S gach là is gach oidhche le sùnnd
Nuair a bhios briathran gaoil air do bhilean
Tha t' anam faisg air an àrd-shlighe bhuan
Ach fhad 's bhios rionnag san adhar air fhàgail
'S mi le anail bith mi moladh do cliù
Gruagach òg mo dhàn 's mo luach

Young Girl With The Gentle EyesThe Band From Rockall - Nighean Òg Nan Sùilean Ciùin -

The day began just like any other
The sun rose in warmth and expectation
But by the end of the evening who would have thought
That my life would be forever changed
The lights came on in the village hall
The music drifted across the water
And it was there I first saw
The young girl with the gentle eyes

A light shone on the spot where she stood
An angel, beautiful and fine
Dark hair falling across her shoulders
As beautiful a girl as I had ever seen
My being flew off like an arrow
And my soul reacted like a magnet
And before long we were dancing together
Young girl with the gentle eyes

Young girl with the gentle eyes
Young girl with the gentle eyes
Before long we were dancing together
Young girl with the gentle eyes

Now the years have passed away
Many suns have risen since that day
That's so entrenched and locked in my memory
As everlasting as a ring, as a circle
There is no more blessed time on earth
Than when love is first ripe and new
But that love has grown deeper
Young girl with the gentle eyes

Young girl with the gentle eyes
Young girl with the gentle eyes
That love has grown deeper
Young girl with the gentle eyes

She filled up my life with treasures
Each day and night with joy
When the words of love are on your lips
You are getting close to the higher eternal ways
But as long as there is a star left in the skies
And as long as I have breath, I will sing your praises
Young girl, my desire and my worth

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