Adelina Ismaili - Dy motra një frajer
Une do tja marr
syrin do tja vej
frajerin e saj
per vete do ta bej. Kot e ke te luftosh
me ate fytyre te embel
ne duart e mija
mashkujt behen vetem vegel.
E ti e di se nuk e dua
por duhesh ta harrosh
e di mire se do ta marr
e ti vazhdo te dashurohesh (Zanfina)
Nuk mund te besoj
qe ti me lendon
pse frajerin tim
gjithmon e shikon
Ai mua me don
dhe e dashuroj
askush sdo te mund
qe te na shkaterroje. (refreni)
Adelina: Meshkujt jan te njejte
Zanfina: Nuk eshte e verteteAdelina Ismaili - Dy motra një frajer -
Adelina: Meshkujt duan loje
Zanfina: Nuk jan te gjith njesoj
Adelina: Ata shum shikojne
Zanfina: Te gjith ne gabojme
Adelina: Meshkujt te mashtrojne
Zanfina: Por nje e dashurojne. (Adelina)
Dhe cdo fjale e jotja mua me ben
qe me eger te luftoj
une ate djale te mjere
do ta fus shume keq ne loje.
Dhe e di qe s'do do tndalem kurre
kot per te non-stop mendon
kthjellu pak oj qika mire
ai ty ste meriton. (Zanfina)
Ti mendon keshtu
por gabim e ke
meshkujt dijne te duan
sikur edhe ne.
Lumturia eshte nje
djemt e meritojne.
Ata kan zemer
edhe na dojne.
Adelina Ismaili - two sisters one bachelor/stud (English translation)
i will take him from her
i will put my eye on him
i will take her (frajer is a really lose slang term but more or less means guy)
i will take him for myself
you will fight aimlessly
with that sweet face
in my hands
males become tools
and you know that i don't love him
but you need to forget him
you know well that i will get him
and you continue to love him
i can't beleive
that you are doing this to me
pse frajerin tim
why are you always looking at my guy
he loves me
and i love him
no one will be able
to destroy us
males are all the same
it is not trueAdelina Ismaili - Dy motra një frajer -
males want games
they're not all the same
they look at many
we all get fooled
males deceit you
but they love one
and every word of yours makes me
fight more wildly
une ate djale te mjere
i will put that poor boy in a deceiving game
and i no i won't ever stop
you think non-stop about him
come back (to reality) you('re) a nice girl
he doesn't deserve you
you think like this
but you have it wrong
males know how to love
like us
happiness is one
guys deserve it
they have hearts
and they love us