Adelina Ismaili - Shota
Me miliona njerz
sonte me shikojne
syve siu besojn sonte jam qmendur
nga duart tua
nga puthjet tua
le t'kallet ketuhja* Ref:2 x
Hajde shoto mashalla*
fluturo me krah*Adelina Ismaili - Shota -
luj shoto luj
diten ta paguaj Si po e dridh belin
shohin keta sy
si po digjet trupi
o vetem per Ty.. sonte do te dehesh
jo nga merzia
as nga rakia
po buzet e mia ...
Adelina Ismaili - Shota (English translation)
there's a million people
watching me tonight
you wouldn't believe your eyes
tonight I've gone crazy
from your hands
from your kisses
let this place burn up (lit.)
Ref:2 x
come on shoto (you're) wonderful
(stretch your) arms out and flyAdelina Ismaili - Shota -
dance shoto dance
i'll pay for the day
how your shaking your waste
my eyes are watching
how the body is burning up
only for you
tonight you'll get drunk
not from misery
not from the brandy
but from my lips