Beyonce - Resentment
I wish I could believe you then I'll be alright
But now everything you told me really don't apply
To the way I feel inside
Loving you was easy once upon a time
But now my suspicions of you have multiplied
And it's all because you lied
I only give you a hard time
'Cause I can't go on and pretend like
I haven't tried to forget this
But I'm much too full of resentment
Just can't seem to get over the way you hurt me
Don't know how you gave another who didn't mean a thing, no
The very thing you gave to me
I thought I could forgive you and I know you've changed
As much as I wanna trust you I know it ain't the same
And it's all because you lied
I only give you a hard time
'Cause I can't go on and pretend like
I haven't tried to forget this
But I'm much too full of resentment
I may never understand why
I'm doing the best that I can and I
I tried and I tried to forget this
I'm much too full of resentmentBeyonce - Resentment -
I'll always remember feeling like I was no good
Like I couldn't do it for you like your mistress could
And it's all because you lied
Loved you more than ever
More than my own life
The best part of me I gave you
It was sacrificed
And it's all because you lied
I only give you a hard time
'Cause I can't go on and pretend like
I tried and I tried to forget this
But I'm too damn full of resentment
I know she was attractive but I was here first
Been ridin' with you for six years why did I deserve
To be treated this way by you, you
I know your probably thinking what's up with Bee
I been crying for too long what did you do to me
I used to be so strong but now you took my soul
I'm crying can't stop crying can't stop crying
You could of told me that you wasn't happy
I know you didn't wanna hurt me
But look what you done-done to me now
I gotta look at her in her eyes and see she's had half of me
How could you lie
Beyonce - Prezir (Serbian translation)
Volela bih da mogu da ti verujem i onda bih bila u redu
Ali sada sve sto si mi rekao se ne poklapa
Sa onime sto osecam unutra
Voleti te je bilo lako nekada davno
Ali sada su se moje sumnje povecale
I sve to zato sto si lagao
Stvaram ti muke samo zato
Što ne mogu da nastavim i da se pretvaram kao
Da nisam pokušala ovo da zaboravim
Ali sam previše ispunjena prezirom
Izlgeda da ne mogu da predjem preko toga kako si me povredio
Ne znam kako si da drugoj koja ti nista nije znacila,ne
Sa svime sto si dao meni
Mislila sam da mogu da ti oprostim i znam da si se promenio
Koliko god da zelim da ti verujem znam da nije isto
I sve to zato sto si lagao
Stvaram ti muke samo zato
Što ne mogu da nastavim i da se pretvaram kao
Da nisam pokušala ovo da zaboravim
Ali sam previše ispunjena prezirom
Mozda nikada necu razumeti zasto
Radim najbolje sto mogu i ja
Ja sam pokušavala i pokušavala da zaboravim ovo
Previše sam ispunjena prezirom
Uvek cu se secati toga kako sam se osecala kao da nisam dobraBeyonce - Resentment -
Kao da nisam mogla da budem kao tvoja dama
I sve to zato sto si lagao
Volela sam te vise nego ikad
Vise od svoga zivota
Živela požrtvovano
I sve to zato što si lagao
Stvaram ti muke samo zato
Što ne mogu da nastavim i da se pretvaram kao
Da nisam pokušala ovo da zaboravim
Ali sam previše ispunjena prezirom
Znam da je bila privlacna ali ja sam bila prva ovde
Bila sam sa tobom 6 godina zašto sam zalužila
Da budem ovako tretirana od strane tebe,tebe
Znam da verovatno misliš sta je sa Bi
Plakala sam previše dugo šta si mi to uradio?
Bila sam tako snazna ali sad si mi uzeo dušu
Placem, ne mogu da prestanem da placem,ne mogu da prestanem da placem
Mogao si mi reci da nisi srecan
Znam da nisi hteo da me povredis
Ali pogledaj sta si mi sad uradio
Moram da je gledam u ocu i da vidim da je ona pola mene
Kako si mogao da lažeš