Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower
There must be some way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion
I can't get no relief
Businessmen, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
Know what any of it is worth
No reason to get excited
The thief, he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower -
But you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour is getting late
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too
Outside in the distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
The wind began to howl
Bob Dylan - Duž osmatračnice (Serbian translation)
"Mora da postoji neki izlaz odavde",rekao je Džoker
"Ima previše konfuzije; ne mogu da nadjem mir
Poslovni ljudi,oni piju moje vino;orači kopaju moju zemlju
Niko od njih ne zna kolika je vrednost toga"
"Nema razloga da se uzbudjuješ,"Ljubazno je rekao Lopov,
"Ima mnogo onih medju nama koji misle da je životBob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower -
Ali ti i ja,smo prošli kroz to,i ovo nije naša sudbina
Zato hajde da ne razgovoaramo lažno sada;postaje kasno"
Duž osmatračnice,prinčevi su zadržali pogled
Dok su sve žene došle i otišle,bosonoge sluge takodje
Napolju u daljini,režala je divlja mačka
Dva jahača su se približavala; vetar je počeo da zavija