Bob Marley
Bob Marley

War Lyrics Serbian translation


Bob Marley - War

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -
Me say war.

That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war.

That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race -
Dis a war.

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained -
Now everywhere is war - war.

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimesBob Marley - War -
That hold our brothers in Angola,
In Mozambique,
South Africa
Sub-human bondage
Have been toppled,
Utterly destroyed -
Well, everywhere is war -
Me say war.

War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south -
War - war -
Rumours of war.
And until that day,
The African continent
Will not know peace,
We Africans will fight - we find it necessary -
And we know we shall win
As we are confident
In the victory

Of good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah! /fadeout/

Serbian translation

Bob Marley - Rat (Serbian translation)

Šta me je život naučio
Želio bi da podelim sa Vama
Zato ko želi da nauči...

Sve dok filozofija tretira jednu rasu
Da je superiornija a druga rasa inferiornija
I da je konačno konstatno diskreditovana i napustena
Tuda je rat, kažem rat

I sve dok ne prestanu ljud da se dele na
Građane prvog i drugog reda bilo koje nacije
Sve dok je boja kože
Je više važna od od boje njegovih očiju
Ja kažem tuda je rat

Sve dok osnovna ljudska rada ne budu
Garantovana svima, bilo koje rase
Ovo je rat

Sve do tog dana
Kada građani celog sveta sanjaju o miru
Međunarodni moralBob Marley - War -
Ostaće samo iluzija

Koja se teži, ali nikada dostiže
Sada je svuda rat,rat.

I sve dok grozni i nesrećni režimi
Koja drže našu braću u Angoli, u Mozambiku
U Južnoj Africi, u nečovečjoj ropstvu
KOji su oboreni, ali ne srušeni
Svuda je rat, kažem Vam rat

Rat na istoku, rat na zapadu
Rat na severu, rat dole na jugu
Rat, rat, priča se o ratu

I sve do tog dana kada Africki kontinent
Ne upozna mir, mi Afrikanci ćemo se boriti - Znamo da je to neizbežno i znamo da ćemo pobediti
Jer smo sigurni u pobedu

Nek dobro nadvlada zlo, nek dobro nadvlada zlo
Nek dobro nadvlada zlo, nek dobro nadvlada zlo
Nek dobro nadvlada zlo, nek dobro nadvlada zlo
Nek dobro nadvlada zlo, nek dobro nadvlada zlo

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