Elvis Presley - In The Ghetto
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need
It's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto
People, don't you understand
The child needs a helping hand
Or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day
Take a look at you and me,
Are we too blind to see,
Do we simply turn our heads
And look the other way
Well the world turns
And a hungry little boy with a runny nose
Plays in the street as the cold wind blows
In the ghetto
And his hunger burns
So he starts to roam the streets at nightElvis Presley - In The Ghetto - http://motolyrics.com/elvis-presley/in-the-ghetto-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
And he learns how to steal
And he learns how to fight
In the ghetto
Then one night in desperation
A young man breaks away
He buys a gun, steals a car,
Tries to run, but he don't get far
And his mama cries
As a crowd gathers 'round an angry young man
Face down in the street with a gun in his hand
In the ghetto
As her young man dies,
On a cold and grey Chicago mornin',
Another little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
In the ghetto
In the ghetto
Elvis Presley - U getu (Serbian translation)
Dok sneg pada
U hladno i sivo jutro u Cikagu
Jadno malo dete se rodilo
U getu
I njegova majka place
Jer ako postoji nesto sto joj ne treba
To su jos jedna gladna usta koja treba nahraniti
U getu
Ljudi, zar ne razumijete?
Detetu treba ruka koja ce mu pomoci
Ili ce jednog dana izrasti u ljutitog mladica
Pogledaj se i pogledaj mene
Jesmo li preslepi da vidimo?
Okrecemo li jednostavno glave
I gledamo na drugu stranu?
Zemlja se okrece
A gladni decak slinavog nosa
Igra se na ulici dok hladni vetar duvaElvis Presley - In The Ghetto - http://motolyrics.com/elvis-presley/in-the-ghetto-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
U getu
I njegova glad pece
Pa pocne nocu skitati ulicama
I nauci krasti
I nauci se tuci
U getu
Onda jedne noci, u ocaju
Mladic umakne
Kupi pistolj, ukrade auto
Pokusa pobeci, ali ne dospe daleko
I njegova mama place
Dok se rulja okuplja, ljutiti mladic
Oboren na zemlju s pistoljem u ruci na ulici
U getu
Kad je njen mladic umro
U hladno i sivo jutro u Cikagu
Jos jedno malo dete se rodilo
U getu
I njegova mama place