
My Name Is Lyrics Romanian translation


Eminem - My Name Is

Hi, my name is, my name is
(What? Who?)
My name is Slim Shady
Hi, my name is, my name is
(Huh? What?)
My name is Slim Shady

Ahem, excuse me
Can I have the attention of the class
For one second?

Hi kids, do you like violence?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails
Through each one of my eyelids?
(Uh, huh)

Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did?
(Yeah, yeah)
Try 'cid and get fucked up worse that my life is?

My brain's dead weight, I'm tryin' to get my head straight
But I can't figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate
And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady you a basehead"
Uh, uhh, So why's your face red? Man you wasted

Well, since age twelve, I've felt like I'm someone else
'Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt
Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's tits off
And smacked her so hard
I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris Kross

I smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass
Faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast
C'mere slut
(Shady, wait a minute, that's my girl dog)
I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off
Hi, my name is, my name is

(What? Who?)
My name is Slim Shady
Hi, my name is, my name is
(Huh? What?)
My name is Slim Shady

My English teacher wanted to flunk me in junior high
Thanks a lot, next semester I'll be thirty-five
I smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a stapler
And stapled his nuts to a stack of papers

Walked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped up
Flashed the bartender, then stuck my dick in the tip cup
Extraterrestrial, runnin' over pedestrians
In a spaceship while they screamin' at me, "Let's just be friends"

Ninety-nine percent of my life I was lied toEminem - My Name Is - http://motolyrics.com/eminem/my-name-is-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
I just found out my mom does more dope than I do
I told her I'd grow up to be a famous rapper
Make a record about doin' drugs and name it after her
(Oh, thank you)

You know you blew up when the women rush your stands
And try to touch your hands like some screamin' Usher fans
This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph
(Dude, can I get your autograph?)
So I signed it "Dear Dave, thanks for the support, asshole"

Hi, my name is, my name is
(What? Who?)
My name is Slim Shady
Hi, my name is, my name is
(Huh? What?)
My name is Slim Shady

Stop the tape, this kid needs to be locked away
(Get him)
Dr. Dre, don't just stand there, operate
I'm not ready to leave, it's too scary to die
(Fuck that)
I'll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive

(Huh, yup)
Am I comin' or goin'? I can barely decide
I just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?
(Go ahead)
All my life I was very deprived
I ain't had a woman in years and my palms are too hairy to hide

Clothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk
I spit when I talk, I'll fuck anything that walks
When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fits

How you gonna breast feed me, mom?
You ain't got no tits
I lay awake and strap myself in the bed
Put a bulletproof vest on and shoot myself in the head

I'm steamin' mad
And by the way when you see my dad?
Tell him that I slit his throat in this dream I had

Hi, my name is, my name is
(What? Who?)
My name is Slim Shady
Hi, my name is, my name is
(Huh? What?)
My name is Slim Shady

Romanian translation

Eminem - Numele meu este (Romanian translation)

Buna!Numele meu este (ce?) Numele meu este..(cine?)
Numele meu este..Slim Shady
Buna!Numele meu este (huh?) Numele meu este..(ce?)
Numele meu este..Slim Shady

Ahem...Scuzati-ma !
Pot sa am atentia clasei pentru o secunda?

Buna copii! Va place violenta?(da da da!)
Vreti sa ma vedeti cum imi lipesc cuie de 9cm pe ploape ?(uh-huh)
Vreti sa ma copiati si sa face-ti exact ceea ce am facut si eu?( da da!)

Incercati sa fiti mai nenorociti decat viata mea este ?(huh?)
Creierul meu este mort , incerc sa imi tin capul drept
Dar nu imi pot da seama pe care dintre Spice Girl vreu s-o las insarcinata(umm)
Si dc Dre a spus:"Slim shady"
Uhhh "de ce esti rosu la fata? ai pierdut "
Ei bine, de la 12 ani ,am simtit ca eu sunt altcineva
Caci mi-am agatat originalul cu o curea deasupra patului
S-au enervat si i-ai rupt sanii Pemelei Lee
Si au batut-o atat de tare ca i-am adus hainele inapoi ca Kris Kross
Fumez o jumatate de kg de iarba si cad lat
Mai repede decat o grasa nenorocita care se aseaza prea repede
(Shady, stai un minut,acesta este caine fetei mele!)
Nu imi pasa,Dumnezeu m-a trimis sa enervez lumea !

Profesorul de engleza a vrut sa ma pice in liceu
Multumesc frumos,urmatorul semestru voi avea 35 de ani
L-am lovit in fata cu o radiera, urmata de un capsator
Si l-am capsat ca pe un teanc de foi(owwww)
Am intrat intr-un club de stiptease,geaca mi-a fost arhivata
M-am uitat la barman,apoi mi-am blocat p*** in borcanul pentru bacsis
Extra-terestru,mergand peste pietoni
Intr-o nava spatiala in timp ce ei strigau:"sa fim prieteni"Eminem - My Name Is - http://motolyrics.com/eminem/my-name-is-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
99%din viata mea am fost mintit
Am gasit in camera mamei mai multe droguri decat am eu(la naiba)
I-am spus ca voi creste si voi fi un rapper faimos
Ca am sa fac o inregistare despre droguri si am sa o numesc dupa ea(oh multumesC)
Sti ca ei reuusit cand femeile se graesc spre tine
Si incearca sa iti atinga maine, ca niste fani Usher(aaahhh)
Acest tip de la White Castel mi-a cerut un autograf
(Omule,pot avea un autograf?)
Asa ca am semnat:"Draga Dave,multumesc pentru suport,idiotule"!


Opreste banda ! Acest copil trebuie sa fie inchis (prinde-l )
Dc Dre,nu sta acolo,
Nu sunt gata sa plec,este prea infricosator sa mori(dracu')
Va trebui sa fiu dus la cimitir si ingropat de viu(hup yup!)
Vin sau plec?Deabea pot decide
Am baut doar 5ml de vodka-imi dai voie sa conduc? (dai drumul))
Toata viata mea am fost foarte privat
Nu am mai fost cu o femei de ani,iar palele mele sunt prea paroase pentru a ascunde
Hainele rupte ca Incredibilul Hulk
Scuip cand vorbesc,nu imi pasa de nimic ce merge
Cand eram mic obisnuiam sa imi fie ata de foame incat aveam convilsii
Cum ai de gand sa ma alaptezi?
Tu nu ai sani
Stau treaz si ma leg de pat
Ma imbrac cu o vesta anti glont si ma impusc in cap(bang!)
Sunt nebun
Si apropo cand imi vezi tatal?(sa?)
Spune-i ca i-am taia gatul,in visul acest vis.

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