Ferdi Tayfur
Ferdi Tayfur

Leyla Lyrics English translation


Ferdi Tayfur - Leyla

Bakıp gözlerine aklımı çaldın.
İlkbahar mevsimiydim, sarardım soldum.
Rüzgarın önünde bir gazel oldum.
Ağlıyorum! Ağlıyorum! Elimdeki kadehte teselli buldum.
Bak şimdi halime! Ben ayyaş oldum. (Gazel) Ey Ya Rab!
Sana yemin ederim ki
Ben gurbet ellerin boynu bükük bir garibiydim.
Ah! Günahıma o zalim girdi!
Yar, ey! (Şarkı devam) Sordular bana: "Nerede Leyla?"Ferdi Tayfur - Leyla - http://motolyrics.com/ferdi-tayfur/leyla-lyrics-english-translation.html
Ne cevap vereyim? Sen bana söyle!
Yalan söylersem olur mu böyle?
Arıyorum! Bir mezar taşında ismini gördüm.
Bak şimdi halime, ben Mecnun oldum!
Ben Mecnun oldum!

English translation

Ferdi Tayfur - Leyla (I'm crying) (English translation)

You stole my mind, looking into my eyes!
I was the spring season; I turned yellow, I am wilted.
I've been an ode in front of the wind.
I'm crying! I'm crying!

I found solace from in the (drink) cup of my hand.
Look at me now! I've been an drunkard.

[Gazel is a variation about Turkish-Arabic music. It read slowly. And singer has to shout. Like an ode!]

O my Lord!
I swear to you;
I was a strange person with a twisted neck in the homesickness
("a twisted neck" is a very famous phrases in Turkish language. That means: "regretfully, despised, oppressed, afflicted, etc..")Ferdi Tayfur - Leyla - http://motolyrics.com/ferdi-tayfur/leyla-lyrics-english-translation.html
O my dear! Oh!

(song continues)

They asked me: "Where's Leyla?"
What should I say? You tell me!
Okay like this if I tell a lie.
I'm looking for!
I'm looking for!
I'm looking for!
I'm looking for!

I saw your name on a grave stone.
Look at me now! I've been Majnun. [Majnun is a very famous character about Turkish literature. Majnun was a big lover and he loved a heartless one: Leyla. And one day, Leyla died. Majnun lived in the desert until his death.]

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