Hladno Pivo - Ne volim te
Ustao sam ujutro s glavom nateklom
I zakacio malim noznim prstom o stol
Spotaknuo se o tvoje papuce
U padu odkinuo zastor i glavom puko u radijator Htio sam ti baciti vazu u glavu
Kad si se probudila i poslala me k vragu
Al sam u agoniji bola stenjao ispod stola
U grcu se previjao kad mi je sinulo Ne volim te nit sam te ikad volio
Na tvoje omiljeno pitanje evo ti odgovor
Bio sam mlad it totalno zagorioHladno Pivo - Ne volim te - http://motolyrics.com/hladno-pivo/ne-volim-te-lyrics-english-translation.html
Tako je valjda sve to krenulo Od samoce i dobrog sexa nastala je nasa veza
Pocetni zar je bio zavidan
Da nisam svakog dana otkrio jos mana
Sad si u mojim ocima samo jos greska u nogama Sto se smijes ko hijena to me toliko ne smeta
Koliko neke druge navike
Nit sto vrece od tampona bacas stalno sa balkona
Samo jedno ipak ne razumijem
Nije mi jasno sto ne zatvaras zubnu pastu
Hladno Pivo - I Don't Love You (English translation)
I got up with a heavy head in the morning
And I hit a desk with my toe
I stumbled over your slippers
And in the fall down i tore off curtain and hit my head on radiator
I wanted to throw a vase in your head
When you had woken up and sweared on me
But i were squawking in agony under the desk
I were struggling in convulsion, and then i had realise
I dont love you, neither i ever loved you
This is an answer on your favourite question
I were young and too optimisticHladno Pivo - Ne volim te - http://motolyrics.com/hladno-pivo/ne-volim-te-lyrics-english-translation.html
I guess thats how it all started
Our relationship had arised from loneliness and good s*x
Flame in the beginning was envious
If i hadnt discover more and more imperfections every day
Now in my eyes you are just a mistake between legs (not sure for this)
Your laughing like hyena is not bothering me so much
Like some other habbits of you
Neither your constant throwing boxes of tampons from balcony
However, i dont understand only one thing
I dont get why you dont close tooth paste after using it