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Motivational speaking

20 words that can change your life Lyrics Serbian translation


Motivational speaking - 20 words that can change your life

20 words that can change your life Begin Take charge of your life by beginning something you've always wanted to do. If your goal seems overwhelming, start small. Imagine Your imagination has no boundaries "dreaming about something is the first step toward achieving it" Laugh Laughter is a direct route to the soul. It broadens your perspective, keeps you healthy, and makes and unbearable situation easier to deal with" Believe Set your mind to predict success. Tell yourself you will succeed at whatever you're doing at the moment. Seek Allow yourself to grow by exposing your vulnerability and insecurity. Don't live strictly inside your comfort zone - don't always play it safe. Play We can always find something that "needs to be done" and we forget how to have fun. Make a conscious effort to take time off - you'll feel refreshed and able to think more clearly afterwards. Trust "… been paralyzed by indecision is worse than making the wrong decision." You can't grow if you don't trust your inner voice. Listen Try listening carefully to the other person's point of view first, without being preoccupied or distracted. You'll really hear what is being said and the other person is more likely to pay attention to your view. Create Creativity maintains the balance in our lives. The more we use our creativity, the more it develops. Connect Relationships are what pull us through the hard times, and make the good times meaningful. Take time to nurture the connections that uplift you. Touch Humans need touch to survive and thrive. Don't forget to hug your loved ones. Pat your friends on the back, literally and figuratively. Forgive Forgiveness is life-giving because it puts you in charge. You become empowered. Pray "Prayer is asking God to transform the situation and become the heart of your life" Take time each day to nurture this connection. Hope Hope is the knowledge that even in the worst of times we can triumph over hardship and sorrow and grow in spirit. Hope is what sustains humanity. Choose We can't always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitudes towards them. Appreciate Admire the good in yourself and in those around you. Give Happiness involves giving freely to others and not necessarily wanting something in return. Read Reading removes boundaries. Write Words are freedom. Words are power. Release Avoid doing something just because everyone thinks you should. Give yourself permission to relax.Motivational speaking - 20 words that can change your life -

Serbian translation

Motivational speaking - 20 reči koje mogu da ti promene život (Mark Kres) (Serbian translation)

20 reči koje mogu da ti promene život


Unesi promenu u svoj život tako što ćeš početi nešto što si uvek želeo da uradiš

Ako su tvoji ciljevi neosvojivi, počni sa manjim


Vaša mašta nema granica

"Sanjaj o nećemu je prvi korak ka njegovom ostvarenju"

Smej se

Smeh je direktan put do duše

Smeh proširuje stvoju perspektivu, čuva zdravlje, i čini da nepodnošljive stvari budu lakše"


Postavi svoj um da predvidi uspeh

Reci sebi da ćeš uspeti šta god da radiš u tom momentu!


Dozvoli sebi da se razvijaš u nesugurnim i nepredviljivim situacijama

Nemojte živeti striktno u konfornoj zoni, nemojte uvek igrati na sigurno!

Igaj se!

Uvek možemo naći nešto tipa "potrebno je zavšiti to" i onda zaboravimo kako je to zabaljati se

Napravi svestan efekat i i stvori slobodno vreme - osećaš će se svežim i sposobnijim da bolje razmišljaš u budućim situacijama!


...biti paralizovan u neodlučnosti je gore nego doneti pogrešnu odluku!

Ne možeš da napreduješ ako ne veruješ unutrašnjim glasovima


Pokušaj da slušaš pažljivo tačke gledišta ostalih ljudi prvo, bez zaokupljenosti ili na distanci

Zaista ćete čuti šta je rečeno i ostali ljudi će sa više zadovoljstva imati pažnju na vaše mišljenje


Kreativnos održava ravnotežu u našem životu. Što više koristimo kreativnost, više je razvijamo!

Poveži se!

Veze su oni što nas guraju napred u teškim situacijama, i pravi da dobra vremena imaju smisla.

Odvojite vreme da negujete veze koje vas guraju napred


Ljudima je potreban dodir da bi preživeli i napredovali

Nemoj da zaboraviš da zagrliš onog koga voliš

Tapši svoje prijatelje po leđima, i bukvalno i figurativno


Praštanje je životvorno jer vas postavlja u situaciji da se vama duguje!

A postaje te osposobljeni

Moli se!

Molitva je molba koju upućujemo Bogu da promeni datu situaciju da postane bliže vašem srcu

Nađite vreme da svakog dana negujete tu vezu

Nadaj se!

Nada je naša sigurnost i znanje da i u najgorim vremenima mi možemo da pobedimo nevolje i tugu i da se razvijamo u duhu

Nada je ono što održava čovečanstvo


Ne možemo da biramo okolnosti, ali možemo da biramo naše stavove o njima!


Ceni ono što je dobro u tebi i oko tebe


Sreća podrazumeva da se deli slobodno sa drugima i ne traži nužnost da se nešto vrati za uzvrat!


Čitanje briše granice!


Reči su sloboda. Reči su moć!

Opustite se!

Izbegavaj te da radite jer svi to od tebe očekuju da bi trebao da uradiš

Daj sebi malo dozvole da se opustiš

Motivational speaking - 20 words that can change your life -

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