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Motivational speaking

How Bad Do You Want It? Lyrics Serbian translation


Motivational speaking - How Bad Do You Want It?

There was a young man, you know,
who wanted to make a lot of money
and so he went to this guru, right.
And he told the guru you know
I wanna be on the same level
you are and the guru said
if you wanna be on the same level I'm on,
I'll met you tomorrow at the beach. So the young man got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n' roll.
Got on a suit should of wore shorts.
The old man grabs his hand and said:
How bad do you wanna be successful?
He said: "Real bad".
He said: Walk on out in the water.
So he walks out into the water. Watch this.
When he walks out to the water
he goes waist deep and goes like this guy crazy. Hey I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming.
I didn't ask to be a lifeguard.
I wanna make money he got me in
so he said come on a little further
walked out a little further
then he had it right around this area
the shoulder area
so this old man crazy
he making money but he crazy.
So he said come on out a little further
came out a little further, it was right at his mouth
my man, I'm not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And the old man said:
"I thought you said you wanted to be successful?"
He said: "I do."
He said: "Then walk a little further."
He came, dropped his head in, held him down,
hold him down, my man (kept scratching) hold him down,
he had him held down,
just before my man was about to pass out,
he raised him up.
He said: "I got a question for you."
He told the guy, he said:
"When you want to succeed as bad as
you wanna breathe than you will be successful." I don't know how many of you all got asthma here today?
If you ever had a asthma attack before your short of breath S.O.B shortness of breath,
you wheezing (breath sound) the only thing
you trying to do is get some air.
You don't care about no basketball game,
you don't care about what's on T.V.,
you don't care about nobody calling you,Motivational speaking - How Bad Do You Want It? -
you don't care about a party.
The only thing you care about
when you trying to breathe is to get some fresh air.
That's it!
And when you get to the point
where all you wanna do is
be is successful as bad as
you wanna breathe then you will be successful.
And I'm here to tell you that number one,
most of you say you wanna be successful
but you don't want it bad, you just kind of want it.
You don't want it bad than you wanna party.
You don't want it as much as you want to be cool.
Most of you don't want success as much as you want sleep.
Some of you lost sleep more than you lost success.
And I'm here to tell you today,
if your going to be successful
you gotta be willing to give up sleep.
You gotta be willing to work with 3 hours of sleep
2 hours of sleep, if you really wanna be successful.
Some day your gonna have to stay up 3 days in a row.
Because if you go to sleep you might miss
the opportunity to be successful.
That's how bad you gotta (inaudible). You gotta go days without
You gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat.
My ( ) said say,
once she was on the set doing her thang,
three days had gone by and she forgot that she didn't eat. Cause she was engaged.
I never forget,
I went, 50 Cent was doing his movie,
I did a little research on 50
and 50 said: that when he wasn't do the movie he was doing the soundtrack.
And they said: "When do you sleep?" 50,
and 50 said: "Sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke.
I don't sleep." See I got an opportunity to make my dream become a reality.
Don't cry to quits.
You already in pain, you already hurt.
Get a reward from it. Don't go to sleep until you succeed.
Listen to me,
I'm here to tell you today you can come here and
and you can jump up - you can do flips and you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me,
you will never be successful,
I don't have to give you a dime if you ( )
You won't be successful until you say I don't need that money cause I got it in here. Only The Strong Survive.

Serbian translation

Motivational speaking - Koliko stvarno želiš? (Uspeh) Erik Tomson (Serbian translation)

Vidi, bio jednom jedan mladić,
Koji je stašno želeo da zaradi mnogo novca
I onda je otišao kod Gurua, tačno kod njega!
I rekao je Guruu "Želim da budem na istom nivou kao ti"
A Guru mu je odgovorio
"Ako želiš da budeš na istom nivou kao ja
Onda se sutra nalazimo na plaži!"

Zato mladi čovek je došao u 4 ujutru. Spreman je da rastura!
Obukao je odelo a trebao je šorc!
Stari čovek ga zgrabi za ruku i reče!
"Koliko zaista želiš da budeš uspešan?"
Mladić reče "Baš želim"
Guru mu odgovori: "Ulazi u vodu!"
Tako da je mladić ušao u vodu. Pazi sad!
Dok je ulazio u vodu
Došao je duboko do kukova i mislio se da je ovaj Guru lud!

"Hej jebote, želim da imam novac, a on me vodi na plivanje"
"Nisam ga pitao da postanem čuvar plaže"
"Želim da zaradim novac a on me tera u vodi"
A guru odgovara "Hajde dublje bre!"
"Samo napred i dublje malo"
Tako da je mladić bi ceo u vodi
Do ramena
"Ma ovaj starac je poludeo"
"Ima novca ali je lud"
Ali Guru je dovikivao "Napred i malo dublje"
"Napred i malo dublje, da ti voda bude do usta!"
"Moj čoveče, ne želim da se vratim ali ovaj čovek je skrenuo sa uma!"
A stari čovek reče!
"Mislio sam da si rekao da želiš da budeš uspešan?"
Mladić reče "Da, rekao sam!"
Guru reče "Onda idi malo dublje"
Guru mu je prišao, i krvnički gurnuo glavu i njega u vodi
Davi ga, čoveče (čuje se grebanje) on ga davi!
On ga davi svom silom!
Samo što mladić nije umro
Guru ga podiže
I reče "Imam jedno pitanje za tebe"
Dere se na momka i reče:
"Kad si želeo da budeš tako uspešan u životu svim srcem
Kao što želiš sada da dišeš?, E tad ćeš uspeti u životu!!!"

Nemam prestavu o tome koliko od Vas ima asmu danas?
Ako ste ikada imali napad asme pre nego što ste se borili za vazduh, vi se gušite
Vi teško uzdišete (aaah aaah) i jedina stvar
Koju pokušavate u tom trenutku je da dišeš malo vazduha
Baš Vas briga o Košarci
Baš Vas briga šta je na TV-u
Baš Vas briga što te niko ne zoveMotivational speaking - How Bad Do You Want It? -
Baš Vas briga o žurci
Jedina stvar koja Vas brine
Kada se borite za vazduh je da dišete!
To je to!
To je suština!
Kada želiš da učiniš nešto
Bićeš uspešan jedino kada želiš da uspeš
Kao što želiš da dišeš kad ti je vazduh nedostupan!
I reći ću ti glavnu stvar!
Većina od vas govorite da želite da uspete
Ali ne želite to svim srcem, nego tek onako da želite!
Ne želite toliko jako koliko želite žurku!
Ne želite toliko jako koliko želite da budete šmekeri
Mnogi od Vas ne žele uspeh koliko žele da spavaju
A neki od Vas su više izgubili sna nego što su izgubili uspeha
I ovde sam da vam kažem to danas
Ako želite da uspete u životu
Možda će te nekad želeti da odustanete od spavanja
Možda će te nekad želeti da radite sa 3 sati sna
Ma 2 sata sna, ako stvarno želite da uspete
Možda će te morati ostati 3 dana zaredom
Jer ako spavaš, možda propuštaš priliku
za mogućnost da uspeš
Toliko je koliko svim srcem morate da želite (tiho završava govor)

Biće dana kada će te biti bez
Doćiće dani kada toliko želite uspeh da ćete zaboraviti da jedete
Reći ću Vam!
Znam za jednu devojku koja je toliko trenirala
Da tri dana uzastopce nije jela!
Jer nije imala vremena!
Nikad neću zaboraviti
Bio sam, kada je 50 sent pravio svoj film
Malo sam istraživao o 50 sentu
I kažem Vam "U trenutku kada ne pravi film, on pravi muziku za film"
Pitali su ga "Kada spavaš Fifti?
A Fifti odgovara "Spavanje, spavanje je ljude koji su pukli od života"
"Ja ne spavam" "Ja koristim priliku da moji snovi postanu java!"
"Nemoj plakati za poraze!"
"Već odavno si u bolu, već odavno te tuga ujeda"
"Iskoristi najbolje iz njega! Ne spavaj dok ne uspeš!"
Slušaj me!
"Ovde sam da ti kažem danas da možeš doći ovde i možeš da odskočiš - možeš poblesaviti i možeš biti uzbuđen"
"I kada se razbacujemo novcima, slušaj me"
"Mogu ti dati pare, al ti nikad nećeš biti uspešan"
"Ja ti ne dajem božanstveni osećaj uspeha ako ti ne želiš da budeš toliko uspešan toliko jako da bi rekao ne treba mi taj novac, jer ga već imam"

Jedino najjači opstaju!

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