With just one day left until the premiere of Britney Spears' "Hold It Against Me," we decided to try to figure out what the Jonas Åkerlund-irected video is all about by deciphering the 13 (out of 14) teasers already out there.
Britney's first teaser debuted on Friday, February 4, and showed Spears in a white gown, looking soft and feminine. For the second teaser, she was surrounded by microphones in what might have been a comment on her relationship with the media.
By teaser three, Spears was paying homage to her extensive group of music videos over the years. The clip showed scenes of many of her various video characters playing on multiple television screens. And in the next preview, Britney Spears the dancer began to emerge; fans also got a peek at Spears' svelte and toned body.
In the fifth and sixth clips, Spears, again showing off her smoking-hot body, teased some more choreography in a sporty costume that emphasized her dance roots.
For the seventh teaser, Spears gave fans a full-on view of her face, and she looked healthy and happy. Spears got her fight on in the eighth teaser: She battled herself in the form of a double.
In a way, it seems Spears is letting go of the past.
The following series of teasers not only proved how beautifully Åkerlund shot the star for the video, but also how on-point her dancing still is. In teaser #13, Brit, looking fierce, got sexy with her dancers in the middle of a routine.
Don't miss Britney Spears' "Hold It Against Me" video premiere Thursday at 9:56 p.m. ET on MTV and MTV.com. In celebration of Brit's epic return to the medium that made her a star, MTV News is hosting an hour-long live discussion on MTV.com at 11 p.m. ET, with special guests breaking down the new video and discussing what fans can expect from her upcoming album, Femme Fatale.