'60s icon Buffy Sainte-Marie sits down for an exclusive interview with Billboard and premieres her music video, "Power in the Blood," from her latest LP.
The folk singer has a long history of expressing controversial political problems through in the world through her music.
On her cover of "Power in the Blood": "My version is a laundry list of contemporary issues that are challenging everyone right now...its the age old racketeering problem that's been going on since before the Old Testament...Rackets come full bloom now and again because the rest of us are lazy and don't do anything about it..."
When asked if she has any thoughts on Hilary 2016: "Not yet, I don't. I haven't made a decision, I'm' still watching...your responsibility as a citizen, or someone who wants a better world, doesn't stop the day after you vote. That's when you really have to get on the case--because you've probably put some very wealthy person into a position of huge power. And somebody is going to elad them down the wrong creek unless you steer. And that's the basic citizenship that all of us hate, but its gotta be done."