Chris Brown is a "dirty b*****d", says Roseanne Barr.
The American comic actress has unleashed a bitter tirade against the US singer - who has been charged with making criminal threats after allegedly beating up his girlfriend Rihanna last week - and claimed celebrities who refuse to condemn him are weak.
In a post on her official website, Roseanne wrote: "Chris Brown's lies and excuses make me want to beat the c**p out of him. he uses the language of the perpetrator just like every sleazy b*****d who ever smacked his wife, kid mother or girlfriend around uses.
"you dirty b*****d, I hope you go to prison for ten years. IT'S YOUR FAULT, A**HOLE! as for all the mealy mouthed hollywood and music scene chicks that can't bring themselves to condemn a misogynistic bully, let me say this: your time as w****s for propaganda is ending, b*****s (sic)."
Chris is accused of beating Rihanna so badly he left her with "horrific" injuries including a split lip, bloody nose and facial bruising.
Roseanne's comments come after the 19-year-old singer released a statement saying he was "sorry and saddened" about the incident.
The statement said: "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counselling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person."