Cyndi Lauper became the latest victim of a politician appropriating an artist's music for their campaign. Unfortunately for Lauper, it was an attack ad and didn't have a clear link to any one opposing candidate.
The ad was an attack on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney that was posted to the internet and used Lauper's song True Colors. Cyndi was alerted to the infraction through a phone call, saying on Twitter:
Ol, just got back from the wk sp for KInky Boots. Got a phone call saying my version of True Colors was used in commercial trashing Romney.
1st, I never approved it. Not that I his a supporter, I'm not. But I wouldn't have wanted that song to be used in that way. I think...
Whoever used my song should have asked, and 2, realized that Mr Romney can discredit himself without the use of my work. X cyn
Lauper went on to reply to some commentors, saying "life is too short to get mad. I'll just get it down" and "Sorry though, that was a healing song." She later reported that they had successfully had the song taken down.
According to, there still is no confirmation on who posted the ad; however, "a Jan. 12 tweet by Mitch Stewart, the Battleground States Director for Obama for America, contained a YouTube clip as well as a link to the ad. "Cyndi Lauper has never spoken truer words. Please RT.""