When bullying in the wake of a string of suicides by teens who were taunted for their sexuality, Lovato teamed with the PACER Center as part of their "Teens Against Bullying" campaign last month to bring some hope to kids who've been harassed by peers.
The "Sonny With a Chance" star wrote an emotional letter to fellow bullying victims, telling them, "I was bullied in middle school. It got so bad I chose to leave and be home schooled. Many people think of bullying as getting beat up in school, but it is so much more than that. For me it was all of the verbal harassment I had to deal with. People say sticks and stones may break your bones but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten."
Lovato, who also appeared in a public service announcement about the issue, explained that she was lucky to have very supportive parents and other educational options, as well as outlets like music and acting to help her make it through.
"I actually used all of the bullying as a motivation to succeed," she said. "I think I have actually become a stronger person because of it. But I know that many kids and teens do not have all of the support and outlets I have, and that's why I want to do something about bullying. I want to make it stop. And I've teamed up with PACER and TeensAgainstBullying.org as their spokesperson to create a movement."
Lovato encouraged teens to use the information on the PACER site to help stop bullying and to make sure parents and educators learn how to prevent it as well.