The 51-year-old British actor plays the role of Dr Gregory House in the popular television series House and admits that he likes the character immensely.
Hugh accepts that House isn’t always a nice guy, but he loves the character’s funny nature and can see similarities in the doctor’s personality traits and his own.
“I’ve always liked him,” Hugh told British magazine Closer. “I know he’s not a good man all the time, but I find him immensely funny. He’s dark and bitter just like myself.”
Hugh moved to Los Angeles seven years ago to start filming House, which meant leaving his wife Jo and their three children behind in England. The separation from his loved ones continues to weigh heavily on the actor’s mind – but he insists he never expected the show to be such a success.
“You have to go where the work is and sacrifice time with your family and friends. I never thought this would last seven years, just two weeks I thought. I get tired of getting up at four in the morning. Some days are harder than others,” the actor divulged.