John Mayer is not a fan of sarcasm.
The 34-year-old musician thinks it's vital to maintain a positive attitude.
Being overly derisive does not impress John at all.
"If you want to be truly intimidating, if you want to make an impact, if you want to have a strong connection with others, just be sincere," John posted on his Tumblr account this week.
"Sarcasm is not an attitude, and it's not a personality trait. It's a style of rhetoric meant to be used occasionally to highlight a larger point."
John simply doesn't stomach cynicism.
"Saying you're a sarcastic person is like saying your favorite cuisine is salt," he wrote.
"Sarcasm is easy because you never have to take a stance. And that's just the problem; It's so noncommittal (sic)."
In John's opinion, feeling vulnerable and awkward at times is natural.
He is happy when people are honest about their state of being.
"Be yourself, even if that means being unsure or uneasy. Let someone else put you at ease. Meet them in the middle. Be sincere."
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