Blue Flowers comes home to its prestigious flower drenched stage presenting a rare and forgotten experience in musical gigging, embracing and hand picking all that is flourishing in the current music scene.
The Blue Flowers promoters have religiously been blending modern gig goer's rituals with a quintessential jazz club style setting. The events are now set to push the boundaries way beyond the conventional gigging experience with an all encompassing theatrical show of trail blazers and post modern artistry.
Blue Flowers Christmas Special
16th December '07
Kid Harpoon
Bobby Cook
The George IV, 185 Chiswick High Road
7.30pm - 10.30pm Entrance: £7
The Blue Flowers Christmas Party brings to the fold a distinctive theatrical event, delivering an intimate and acoustic show of artists that are unlikely to be seen again in this sort of environment and on the same bill.
A true night of some of the finest emerging and cult artists in Europe, performing under Blue Flowers decadent and blossoming floral, 50's style setting.