The 98 Degrees website was recently updated after a decade of lying dormant, leading many fans to wonder whether Nick Lachey, Drew Lachey, Jeff Timmons and Justin Jeffre would be back for more boy-band action this summer.
As the story went, sources told Hitfix that the guys would be hitting the road for a 15-date tour in July and August. Adding credence to the rumors was the newly redesigned site that made a giant leap into this millennium thanks to a new logo and a Twitter feed.
The rumor remained undeveloped for a couple weeks, but Nick Lachey has taken to Twitter to clarify that the band will not be touring. "So psyched to see all the excitement for a 98 degree tour, but the only tour I'll be doing this summer is at baby's 'r us!" he wrote, adding the Justin Bieber-approved hashtag #neversaynever. (Lachey and wife Vanessa Minnillo are expecting their first child sometime this summer or early fall.)
Nick is not the only 98 Degrees member to address the rumors. Timmons also tweeted about them: "Look, you can never believe rumors, but I'd be open to it for sure!" he wrote.
Well, boy-band fans shouldn't be too upset by the news. There are certainly plenty of boy bands floating around the pop scene these days to keep them happy. Old school-ers NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys, for those not in the know) will be touring abroad this spring. And newcomers the Wanted, Big Time Rush and One Direction are all busy touring and releasing albums.