A friend of George Michael has shot down rumors that the singer is in grave condition with pneumonia. Fadi Fawaz told Britain's Daily Star that "He is improving every day. There is nothing to be concerned about. He is doing fine. We are very happy. He is doing extremely well and coming back from everything. We are very pleased."
Only one veteran artist won a prize at this years ARIA Awards, the Australian equivalent to the Grammy. Best Music DVD went to Live at River Plate by AC/DC. Album of the year was Moonfire by Boy & Bear and single was Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye featuring Kimbra.
Gregg Allman says to expect at least one more Allman Brother Band album. He told the Boston Herald "Absolutely, we have another album in us. I've had to spend a lot of time healing up from these surgeries with nothing to do but write songs. So don't listen when you hear there will never be another album. 'Never say never' is something I've learned recently."
Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue and Sixx: A.M. is already a three-time best selling author and he's putting together two more books for release. While Sixx is not letting on about subject matter, other than they will be different from the three previous, he is saying one should be out next May or June while the second is for 2013.
Scotland Yard has made it possible for Gary Glitter to once again leave England by not asking the courts to continue his travel ban; however, he remains on the sex offender's registry so he will have to ask permission to leave the country for more than three days and he may find bans on his entering many countries around the world.
Don Devito, an executive at Columbia Records who produced much of Bob Dylan's output during the 70's, passed away on Friday from prostate cancer. The two turned out Desire (1976), Street Legal (1978) and the live albums Hard Rain and At Budokan. He later worked on the Bootleg Series Volumes 1 through 3. He also worked with Billy Joel and Aerosmith, among others.