Adriano Celentano
Adriano Celentano

Impazzivo Per Te Lyrics English translation


Adriano Celentano - Impazzivo Per Te

Mai, mai, mai pi? t'amer? cos? tanto
per tutta la vita.
Mai, mai, mai pi? sapr? darti il mio cuore
come quel d?.
E tu sai, bimba mia che impazzivo soltanto per te.
Mai, mai, mai pi? io potr? accarezzarti mia dolce bambina.
Mai, mai, mai pi? dolci frasi d'amore sentirai come un d?.
E per sempre scordarti dovrai un amore cos?.
Ero pazzo di te,
eri pazza di me,
ma purtroppo capiiAdriano Celentano - Impazzivo Per Te -
che non eri per me
da quel giorno che tu
mi tradisti cos?,
perch? cuore non hai
e mi hai fatto soffrir...
Mai, mai, mai pi? t'amer? cos? tanto
per tutta la vita.
Mai, mai, mai pi? sapr? darti il mio cuore
come quel d?.
E tu sai, bimba mia che impazzivo soltanto per te.

English translation

Adriano Celentano - I was crazy for you (English translation)

Never, never, I will never love you so much
for the rest of the life.
Never, never, I will never know how to give you my heart like I did that day.
And you know, my baby, I was crazy only for you.
Never, never, I will never caress you, my sweet baby.
Never, never, you will never listen sweet phrases of love like that day.
And you will have to forget for ever a love like that.
I was crazy for you,
you were crazy for me,
but unfortunatly I understoodAdriano Celentano - Impazzivo Per Te -
that you wasn't for me
that day that you
cheated on me in that way,
because you haven't got an heart
and you made me suffer..
Never, never, I will never love you so much
for the rest of the life.
Never, never, I will never know how to give you my heart like I did that day.
And you know, my baby, that I was crazy only for you

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