Cleopatra Stratan - Refrenul Dulcilor Povesti
Ca de la candela odatÄ
O stea in ceruri s-a aprins
Lumina ei Åi-acum te catÄ
Iar tu precis cÄ nu te-ai prins
Purtam rochiÅ£Ä cu buline
Åi ochelari pe nas purtam
Fugeau bÄieÅ£ii dupÄ mine, dupÄ mine
Iar eu pe tine te-aÅteptam
Tu imi spuneai cÄ timpul vine
De unde eu sÄ fi Åtiut
cÄ astÄzi e ziua de mâine
A zilei care a trecut
SÄ fi Åtiut cÄ eÅti acolo
Acolo unde acum nu eÅtiCleopatra Stratan - Refrenul Dulcilor Povesti -
Ne-ar fi cântat chitara solo, solo, solo
Refrenul dulcilor poveÅti...
Åi dacÄ eu te cÄt pe tine
Iar tu de mine te fereÅti
ÎnseamnÄ cÄ tu n-ai ruÅine
Ori ai dar nu Å£i-o foloseÅti
Å¢i-aduci aminte când o floare
Mi-ai dat, ai dispÄrut Åi taci
Pe mine Åi acum mÄ doare, tare, tare
Dar ce sÄ fac dacÄ imi placi?
Ca de la candela odatÄ
O stea in ceruri s-a aprins
Lumina ei Åi-acum te catÄ
Iar tu precis cÄ nu te-ai prins
Cleopatra Stratan - The Chorus of the dulcet tales (English translation)
As once from a night lamp
A star set light in the skies
Her light is still seeking for you
And you surely have no idea
i was wearing a dress with bubbles
And sun-glasses on my nose was i wearing
Boys were running after me..after me, and i was waiting for you
You were saying that time will come
How was I to know
That today is the day of tomorrow
Of the day that passed
To have known that you are there
Where you are not now
The guitar would have sung for us solo, solo, soloCleopatra Stratan - Refrenul Dulcilor Povesti -
Refrenul dulcilor poveşti...
The chorus of the dulcet tales
And if i seek for you
And you keep away from me
It means that you have no shame
Either you have but you don't use it
* ţi-aduci = îţi aduci, it's like in english with -> did not = didn't )
Mi-ai dat , ai dispărut şi taci
Pe mine şi acum mă doare , tare, tare
Dar ce să fac dacă te plac
As once from a night lamp
A star set light in the skies
her light is still seeking for you
And you surely have no idea