Depeche Mode - Little 15
Little fifteen
You help her forget
The world outside
You're not part of it yet
And if you could drive
You could drive her away
To a happier place
To a happier day
That exists in your mind
And in your smile
She could escape there
Just for a while
Little fifteen
Little fifteen
Why take the smooth with the rough
When things run smooth
It's already more than enough
She knows your mind
Is not getting bleak
With the rest of the world
And its little intrigues
Do you understandDepeche Mode - Little 15 -
Do you know what she means
As time goes by
And when you've seen what she's seen
you will
Little fifteen
Little fifteen
Why does she have to defend
Her feelings inside
Why pretend
She's not had a life
A life of near misses
Now all that she wants
Is three little wishes
She wants to see with your eyes
She wants to smile with your smile
She wants a nice surprise
Every once in a while
She wants to see with your eyes
She wants to smile with your smile
She wants a nice surprise
Every once in a while
Little fifteen
Depeche Mode - Mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo (Serbian translation)
Mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo,
Ti joj pomažeš da zaboravi
svet koje je okružuje.
Ti još nisi deo njega.
I kada bi mogla da voziš
mogla bi je odvesti odavde
na srećnije mesto,
u srećnije vreme,
koje postoji u tvojoj glavi i tvom osmehu.
Mogla bi tamo da pobegne
makar na kratko,
mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo.
Mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo,
Zašto mešati nežno i grubo?
Kada se stvari odvijaju glatko
to je već više nego dovoljno.
Ona zna da tvoja svest
još nije dorasla ostatku svetaDepeche Mode - Little 15 -
i njegovim malim intrigama.
Da li razumeš?
Da li znaš šta hoće da kaže?
Kako vreme bude prolazilo
i kada vidiš ono što je ona videla - razumećeš,
mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo.
Mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo,
Zašto ona mora da brani
ono što oseća u sebi?
Čemu pretvaranje?
Ona nije imala život,
život put promašaja
I sada sve što želi su tri male želje:
Želi da vidi tvojim očima
Želi da se smeje tvojim osmehom
Želi lepo iznenađenje s vremena na vreme
Mala petnaestogodišnjakinjo.