José Afonso
José Afonso

Os Vampiros Lyrics English translation


José Afonso - Os Vampiros

No céu cinzento
Sob o astro mudo
Batendo as asas
Pela noite calada
Vem em bandos
Com pés veludo
Chupar o sangue
Fresco da manada
Se alguém se engana
Com seu ar sisudo
E lhes franqueia
As portas à chegada Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
E não deixam nada A toda a parte
Chegam os vampiros
Poisam nos prédios
Poisam nas calçadas
Trazem no ventre
Despojos antigos
Mas nada os prende
Às vidas acabadas São os mordomos
Do universo todoJosé Afonso - Os Vampiros -
Senhores à força
Mandadores sem lei
Enchem as tulhas
Bebem vinho novo
Dançam a ronda
No pinhal do rei Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
E não deixam nada
No chão do medo Tombam os vencidos
Ouvem-se os gritos
Na noite abafada
Jazem nos fossos
Vítimas dum credo
E não se esgota
O sangue da manada Se alguém se engana
Com seu ar sisudo
E lhes franqueia
As portas à chegada Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
Eles comem tudo
E não deixam nada

English translation

José Afonso - The Vampires (English translation)

In the grey sky
Below the silent star
In the still night
They come in bands
With velvet feet
Sucking fresh blood
From the herd.
If anyone is fooled
By their serious manner
And open their doors
To them on their arrival.

They'll eat everything
They'll eat everything
They'll eat everything
And leave nothing.

From everywhere
The vampires arrive
They perch in buildings
They perch in the streets
They bring in their pouches
Old spoils
But nothing binds them
To their spent lives.

They are the stewards
Of the whole universeJosé Afonso - Os Vampiros -
Masters by force
Commanders without laws.
They fill their barns
And drink the new wine
They dance the round dance
In the king's pine forest.

They eat everything
They eat everything
They eat everything
And leave nothing.

On the ground of fear
The vanquished tumble
We hear the screams
In the sweltry night.
They lie in the cesspools
Victims of their beliefs
And nothing drains away
The blood of the herd.

If anyone is fooled
By their serious manner
And open their doors
To them on their arrival.

They'll eat everything
They'll eat everything
They'll eat everything
And leave nothing.

(translated from the Portuguese by Phil Meyler)

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