
Pla Quinquennal Lyrics English translation


Manel - Pla Quinquennal

Dormies mig agafada al meu braç,
Ha sonat un clàxon de cotxe encallat,
Has obert un ull mandrós I callat
I has tornat al teu somni privat.
Pujava el cafè I ens he recordat
Ballant a una platja amb barrets mexicans,
La cara que feies al 'nar girant
Crec que era de felicitat,
Crec que era de felicitat.

De moment no et riuré més les gràcies,
Per una vegada he entès el que cal.
Passi-ho bé, que m'esborro del mapa
Per perpetrar a l'ombra un gran pla quinquennal.

Sento que et despertes, et vinc a buscar,
Nena tens cafè, vols que torri pa?
Al diari res massa estimulant,
Mica en mica ja et vas despertant.Manel - Pla Quinquennal -
I fumes mirant els cotxes passar,
T'entregues a l'aire dens del veïnat,
Penso en proposar que baixem al far,
Jo que mai he estat home de mar,
Jo que mai he estat home de mar.

El primer any compraré una corbata ben llarga estampada amb colors crus,
I, el segon, els millors professors europeus m'ensenyaran a fer el nus.
Pel tercer guardo l'antologia dels grans octosíl·labs que parlen de tu
I, pel quart, l'edició limitada folrada amb vellut.
I el cinquè ens creuarem per l'Eixample I demanarem taula en un bar de menús.
Trauré pit, ensenyant la corbata, I llavors, bonica,
Dependrà de tu.

I el cinquè ens creuarem per l'Eixample I demanarem taula en un bar de menús.
Trauré pit, ensenyant la corbata, I llavors, bonica,
Dependrà de tu.
I llavors tot dependrà de tu.

English translation

Manel - Five-year plan (English translation)

You slept half stuck to my arm,
a car in a jam honked loud,
you opened an eye, lazy and quiet.
And you got back to your private dream.

I was bringing the coffee and I remembered
when we danced in a beach with mexican hats.
That face you put while turning around,
I think that was happiness,
I think that was happiness.

In the mean time I won't laugh at your jokes anymore,
for one time I understood what it needs to be understood.
Goodbye, I'll vanish off the face of the earth
to carry out, hidden, a great five-year plan

I hear you wake up and I come for you.
-Baby, there's coffe, do you want me to toast bread?
The newspaper is not really stimulating.
Little by little you wake up.

And you smoke watching the cars passing by,
you give yourself to the dense air of the neighbourhood
I want to suggest going down the lighthouseManel - Pla Quinquennal -
even though I've never been a sea-lover
even though I've never been a sea-lover.

The first year I'll buy a long tie
printed in creamy colours
And the second one the best european teachers
will teach me to tie it.
For the third year I keep the anthology
of great octosyllables talking about you
And for the fourth one the limited edition covered with velvet.
And the fifth one we will come up against each other in l'Eixample district and we will ask for a table in a regular bar.
I'll brag, showing you my tie
and then, pretty, everything's up to you
and then everything's up to you.

And the fifth one we will come up against each other in l'Eixample district and we will ask for a table in a regular bar.
I'll brag, showing you my tie
and then, pretty, everything's up to you
and then everything's up to you.

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