May Hariri - Shokr W 3erfan
شكرا شكرا يا حماة بيدك لبنان الاتحاد مابننسى افضال الدوحة ما بننساها للابد بو مشعل يااغلى انسان وراح تفتكرك لبنانMay Hariri - Shokr W 3erfan -
o abu mish3al (a person), the mose precious of people, with your thoughts/way of thinking you have united Lebnaan, made it one الشعب اللبنانى الغالى ياهديلك شكر وعرفان شكرا شكرا يا حماة بيدك لبنان الاتحاد مابننسى افضال الدوحة ما بننساها للابد الجنوب وناسه الطيبين لشمال وزحلة وحتى اربعطاش وتمانى بيك صاروا اتنين وعشرين شكرا شكرا يا حماة بيدك لبنان الاتحاد مابننسى افضال الدوحة ما بننساها للابد بتدعيلك ارزة لبنان وجباله كل الوديان والغيمة كل مابتشتى وطيور وزهر البستان شكرا شكرا يا حماة بيدك لبنان الاتحاد مابننسى افضال الدوحة ما بننساها للابد بتدعيلك وحدة بيروت والناس الطيبة والبيوت بتدعيلك القلوب البيضة وانت اسمك فيها منحوت
May Hariri - Shokr W 3erfan (English translation)
thank you, thank you oh 7amaat, in your hands Lebnaan in now united
we wont ever forget Doha's help, we wont ever forget it
there is something wrog here: its بو مشعل يااغلى انسان وحدت بفكرك لبنان
the precious people of Lebnaan give you their many many thanks and graditude
thank you, thank you oh 7amaat, in your hands Lebnaan in now united
we wont ever forget Doha's help, we wont ever forget it
from the south and it's kind people to the north and Za7la..
and even fourteen and eight, with yiu they have become twenty-two
thank you, thank you oh 7amaat, in your hands Lebnaan in now united
we wont ever forget Doha's help, we wont ever forget it
the earth/ground of Lebnaan prays for you, as do its mountains and all the valleys
and the clouds when ever it rains/becomes wintery, and the birds and the flowers of the gardens
thank you, thank you oh 7amaat, in your hands Lebnaan in now united
we wont ever forget Doha's help, we wont ever forget it
the unity of Bairuut will also pary for you, and the kind/nice people and their houses of Bairuut
the white hearts will also pray for you, you name is carved in our hearts...
May Hariri - Shokr W 3erfan -