
Mama Said Lyrics Serbian translation


Metallica - Mama Said

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2

Mama, she has taught me well
Told me when I was young
?Son, your life's an open book
Don't close it 'fore it's done?

The brightest flame burns quickest
Is what I heard her say
A son's heart's owned to mother
But I must find my way

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still, yeah still

Rebel, my new last name
Wild blood in my veins
Apron strings around my neck
The mark that still remains

Left home at an early age
Of what I heard was wrong
I never asked forgiveness
But what is said is done

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still

Never I ask you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my graveMetallica - Mama Said -
Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
But a mother's love for her son
Unspoken, help me be

Yeah, I took your love for granted
And all the things you said to me, yeah
I need your arms to welcome me
But a cold stone's all I see

Let my heart go
Let your son grow
Mama, let my heart go
Or let this heart be still

Let my heart go
Mama, let my heart go
You never let my heart go
So let this heart be still, ohh

Never I ask you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave

Never I ask of you
But never I gave
But you gave me your emptiness
I now take to my grave
So let this heart be still

Serbian translation

Metallica - Mama je rekla (Serbian translation)

Dobro me ja učila majka
Kad sam bio mlad rekla je:
"Sine život je otvorena knjiga.
Ne zatvaraj je pre kraja."
"Najsjajniji plamen izgori najbrže."
Čuo sam da mi kaže
Srce sina pripada majci
Ali ja moram da nadjem svoj put

Pusti moje srce
Pusti tvoga sina da odraste
Majko, pusti moje srce
Neka ovo srce ostane mirno
Da, mirno

Buntovnik je moje novo prezime
Divlja krv je u mojim venama
Niti koje me povezuju sa porodicom
Prave trag koji još uvek stoji
Otišao sam od kuće mlad
Ono što sam čuo bilo je loše
Nikad nisam tražio oproštaj
Ali što je rečeno to je učinjeno

Pusti moje srce
Pusti tvoga sina da odraste
Majko, pusti moje srce
Neka ovo srce ostane mirno
Ništa ti nisam tražio
Ništa ti nisam ni dao
Ostavila si prazninu
Koji ću poneti u grob
Ništa ti nisam tražioMetallica - Mama Said -
Ništa ti nisam ni dao
Ostavila si prazninu
Koji ću poneti u grob
Pa, pusti da ovo srce bude mirno

Majko, sad se vraćam kući
Nisam sve ono što si želela da budem
Ali neizgovorena ljubav majke za sina
Pokazala mi je put
Olako sam shvatio tvoju ljubav
Kao i reči koje si govorila
Trebale su mi tvoje ruke da me dočekaju
Ali hladan kamen je sve što vidim

Pusti moje srce
Pusti tvoga sina da odraste
Majko, pusti moje srce
Neka ovo srce ostane mirno
Pusti moje srce
Pusti tvoga sina da odraste
Majko, pusti moje srce
Neka ovo srce ostane mirno
Ništa ti nisam tražio
Ništa ti nisam ni dao
Ostavila si prazninu
Koji ću poneti u grob
Ništa ti nisam tražio
Ništa ti nisam ni dao
Ostavila si prazninu
Koji ću poneti u grob
Neka ovo srce sada ostane mirno

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