The Girls Aloud singer judges British television show The X Factor alongside Simon, Dannii Minogue and Louis Walsh. Cheryl and Simon are particularly close, and are viewed as best friends on set. Cheryl battled malaria earlier this year and has also gone through a painful divorce, both of which have made Simon protective of her.
During a recent TV interview Cheryl praised Simon as one of the few people who “gets her”, and it has now been revealed she often spends time with him and his mother in his X Factor dressing room.
“Cheryl is very privileged, as Simon rarely invites anyone into his dressing room. They’ve become very close in this series. They really respect one another’s opinions, so it’s a great time for them to relax and discuss the show,” a source told Grazia magazine. “Sometimes Simon’s mother Julie and Cheryl’s mum Joan join them, which Cheryl loves because they all sit around joking and laughing.”
The UK programme is live every Saturday and Sunday, with all the acts mentored by the judges performing. The pair regularly eat together before it’s time to take to the stage, often getting food delivered from one of Simon’s favourite restaurants.