Justin Bieber has reportedly accepted a plea deal which means he will avoid trial in exchange for attending an anger management course.
The singer was arrested in January on DUI charges after he was caught allegedly taking part in a drunken drag race in Miami, and subsequently resisted arrest. According to Us Weekly, these charges will be dropped provided Bieber attended a regular anger management course.
The singer was also recently charged with assaulting a limo driver in Toronto, and avoided charges related to a robbery, after he allegedly tried to snatch the mobile phone of a woman who had taken his picture.
Bieber, whose Twitter bio says, "Let's make the world better, together", also recently courted controversy after two videos appeared online of him using the N-word in a joke and song. The videos were filmed a few years ago, and Bieber has since apologised.
Details of the DUI plea deal have not been officially confirmed.