The 43-year-old Hollywood actress and actor Tom divorced in 2001, with their two adoptive kids Isabella, 18, and 15-year-old Connor choosing to spend most of their time with their father at his Los Angeles home.
Nicole lives in Nashville with her second husband, country singer Keith Urban, and they have a two-year-old daughter named Sunday Rose together. While the actress is immensely happy, Nicole would like to see more of Isabella and Connor.
"They live with Tom, which was their choice," she told the British edition of Hello! magazine.
Nicole admits it would be a dream if the teenagers came to live with her and Keith, although she understands their choice and completely respects it. The star has taken a philosophical approach to their decision, and has no plans to pressurise them. She also seeks solace in the fact that she has a gorgeous baby daughter to keep her occupied, and is thrilled to have had a child later in life.
"I'd love them to live with us, but what can you do?" she mused.
“It's a beautiful thing at 43 to have a two-and-half year old!”
The movie actress is very proud of the way her ex-husband Tom, 48, has raised Isabella and Connor too. Nicole says she has no grounds to complain, and is acutely aware of how fortunate she has been in life.
"They are healthy and sane and together and are great, great people," she said recently. "So I'm not one of those people that needs to be reminded of what I have."