Rolf Harris news

Rolf Harris joins Status Quo for Xmas

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Rolf Harris News

Rolf Harris tops Australia’s Most Hated Celebrities - It took a disgraced child molester to save Tony Abbott from being Australia's most hated celebrity. …
June 3, 2015

It took a disgraced child molester to save Tony Abbott from being Australia's most hated celebrity. …

Rolf Harris Order Of Australia honour revoked - Rolf Harris has had his Order of Australia award cancelled followed his jailing for sex crimes …
February 23, 2015

Rolf Harris has had his Order of Australia award cancelled followed his jailing for sex crimes …

Rolf Harris could be free in 30 months - Rolf Harris could be a free man as soon as early 2017.Justice Sweeney sentences Harris to a total …
July 5, 2014

Rolf Harris could be a free man as soon as early 2017.Justice Sweeney sentences Harris to a total …

Rolf Harris heading to prison - Rolf Harris could face the rest of his life in prison after being found Guilty on 12 counts of …
July 1, 2014

Rolf Harris could face the rest of his life in prison after being found Guilty on 12 counts of …

Rolf Harris pleads not guilty to child sex charges - Australian born entertainer Rolf Harris has plead not guilty in a British court to twelve charges …
January 15, 2014

Australian born entertainer Rolf Harris has plead not guilty in a British court to twelve charges …

Rolf Harris to face new accusations - Australian musical theatre star Rhonda Burchmore has publicly spoken about her time with Rolf …
May 13, 2013

Australian musical theatre star Rhonda Burchmore has publicly spoken about her time with Rolf …

Rolf Harris dropped as face of British paints - After 50 years British Paints has dropped Rolf Harris from its future advertising campaigns.British …
April 28, 2013

After 50 years British Paints has dropped Rolf Harris from its future advertising campaigns.British …

Rolf Harris arrested in sex abuse scandal - For the last month, the British press has been buzzing about the arrest of an unnamed 82-year-old …
April 19, 2013

For the last month, the British press has been buzzing about the arrest of an unnamed 82-year-old …

Rolf Harris honoured and announces rare London date - Rolf Harris who was appointed Officer of the Order of Australia in Her Majesty's Birthday Honours …
November 8, 2012

Rolf Harris who was appointed Officer of the Order of Australia in Her Majesty's Birthday Honours …