
Tutankhamen Lyrics Croatian translation


Nightwish - Tutankhamen

As the sun sets beyond the pyramid
To greet me with its rays
I place my hand on my forehead
To see your chariots' flames

Watch me kneel before you
Hear the cats meowing in the temple
They yearn for the milk you cascaded
As I yearn your promised treasure

Treasure of
I am the one it is
Take me with you
Through the stargate
To the valley of the kings
Nightwish - Tutankhamen -
Sacrifice me
And let me be your queen
Take me
Tonight and always
We'll breed to fill all earth

Three millenniums it took me to guard your rest
Your slumber in
Mighty Phoenix's nest
But tonight the darkness in the tomb has perished
For Carter has come to free my beloved

Treasure of...

Sacrifice me...

Croatian translation

Nightwish - Tutankhamen (Croatian translation)

Dok sunce zalazi iza piramide
Da me pozdravi svojim zrakama
Ja stavljam ruku na čelo
Da vidim plamenove tvojih kola

Gledaj me dok klečim pred tobom
Slušajući mačke kako mjauču u hramu
One žude za mlijekom koje prosipaš
Kao što ja žudim za tvojim obećanim blagom

Ja sam ta čije je
Uzmi me sa sobomNightwish - Tutankhamen -
Kroz zvjezdana vrata
U dolinu kraljeva

Žrtvuj me
I pusti da budem tvoja kraljica
Uzmi me
Noćas i uvijek
Množit ćemo se da napunimo cijelu Zemlju

Trebala su mi tri milenija da čuvam tvoj počinak
Tvoj drijemež u moćnom Feniksovom gnjezdu
Ali noćas je tama u grobu propala
Jer Carter je došao da oslobodi mog voljenog

Blago Tutankhamona...

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