Jenni Vartiainen - Malja
Jos mä täyteen paan
Juotko kokonaan
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Puolilleen jos jää
Tahdotko lisää
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Murheisille sydämille
Raskaan taakan kantajille
Lasi täyteen
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Edessäsi on
Ruukku pohjaton
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Siemaus Jumalaa
Pyhää humalaa
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Jenni Vartiainen - Malja -
Murheisille sydämille
Raskaan taakan kantajille
Lasi täyteen
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Sillä viini tuo
Eilisen pois pyyhkii
Jaksat huomiseen
Murheisille sydämille
Raskaan taakan kantajille
Lasi täyteen
Se malja vain sua oottaa
Sua oottaa
Jenni Vartiainen - Cup (English translation)
If I poured it full
Would you drink it all?
The cup is waiting only for you
If it remained to its half
Would you take some more?
The cup is waiting only for you
To sorrow hearts
To the suffering, the yearning ones
To the betrayed, the left ones
To those carrying a heavy burden
The glass full
The cup is waitting only for you
In front of you, there is
A bottomless pottery
The cup is waitting only for you
A sipping god
The holy godJenni Vartiainen - Malja -
The cup is waitting only for you
To sorrow hearts
To the suffering, the yearning ones
To the betrayed, the left ones
To those carrying a heavy burden
The glass full
The cup is waitting only for you
Since that wine
Sweeps away the yesterday
You carry on tomorrow
To sorrow hearts
To the suffering, the yearning ones
To the betrayed, the left ones
To those carrying a heavy burden
The glass full
The cup is waitting only for you
Waiting for you