Mor Ve Otesi - Güneye Giderken
Zefir radyolarý varya
Briket duvarlarda
Sesini duydum onlarda
Sarýndým akçora gömleðime
Uyu dedim uyudum,
Devam et dedi muavin
Solda güneþ yükseliyordu
Güneye giderken
Solda güneþ yükseliyordu
Güneye giderken
Sararmýþ tütün tarlasý
Ýlerde beyaz yaþmaklýMor Ve Otesi - Güneye Giderken -
Al basmadan giysileriyle
Kadýnlar çalýþýyorlar
Yüce daðlar ilerde mor
En yükseði en önce gördü
Küçük bir çocuk yeni uyanmýþ gözleri mahmur
Muavin de çocuktu fakat uykusuzdu, baðýrýrken:
Bir köy var çok uzakta
Beyazdan minaresi
Kýrmýzý damlý evleriyle
Köymüzdür varmasakta
Yanýmda oturan belli ki oradan
Bana biraz yandan baksada
Mor Ve Otesi - while going to south (English translation)
in the wall of briquet
l heard your voice from them
l embraced your "akcora* shirt")*l dont know what akcora is=
you said "sleep",i slept
at buses) said "go on"
in way sun was shining
while going to south
in way sun was shining
while going to south
tobacco field turned yellow
later on,with white bag
a clothes with red dress
women are working
big mountains are purple later on
the highest saw the first
in way sun was shining
while going to south
in way sun was shiningMor Ve Otesi - Güneye Giderken -
while going to south
a little child has just woke up
in slepy-eyed
asistanr was a child too but..
he was without sleep while screaming
in way sun was shining
while going to south
in way sun was shining
while going to south
there was a town in away
its minaret was white
with frame which is red
it is our town even we didnt go
it is clear the one who sits near me is from that town
from that town)
in way sun was shining
while going to south
in way sun was shining
while going to south