Myriam Faris - Eih elly bi7asal
انا عمرى النهاردة تولد من جديد
دة عيد النهاردة ومش اى عيد
ياحبيبى يا حبيبى انا عاشقه واصف بأيه الغرام
ده راح منى تاه منى كل الكلامMyriam Faris - Eih elly bi7asal -
ياحبيبى يا حبيبى ال اه لالا ايه الى بيحصل ال اه لالا ايه اللى جرالى مالى كده سرحانه فيه
ال اه لالا ايه الى بيحصل ال اه لالا ايه اللى جرالى مالى حالى متلخبط ليه رجعت ليه روحى نظرة عينيه فداك عمرى كله ما يغلاش عليك
ده هوايا اللى غيرلى معنى الحياة ورجع لقلبى حياة وغناه
Myriam Faris - what's going on (English translation)
Today is the day that I was born once again!
Today is a celebration , it isn't any kind of celebration
my baby, my baby
I am in love, and how can i describe this love
all the words are gone away, i lost them allMyriam Faris - Eih elly bi7asal -
my baby, my baby
ah la la la what's going on? ah la la la what's happening to me?...
ah la la la what's going on? ah la la la what's happening to me?...
my soul came back to me by your eyes look, all my life is yours , it's not expensive for you!
this is the love that changed the meaning of life for me, and gave back the life & joy to my heart