Mohammed Hamaki - Ressala
mosh 7atensaany, bokra 7atgeeny
youm ma tebky w yokhno2ak ghoroorak
7at2olly naggeeny
(2x) aywa lessalak makan fe alby
bas mosh wa2faa 3aleek seneenyMohammed Hamaki - Ressala -
mohs 7amoot 3alashan mantash ganby
aslak enta mosh elly beye7yeeny
(2x) mosh 7ate2telny, mosh 7atem7eeny
ana 3omry ma 7ad kan zalelny, aw kaser 3einy
Mohammed Hamaki - A Message (English translation)
you won't forget me, you'll come to me
when you cry and your pride suphocates you
you'll tell me "Save me" (you'll call for y help)
yes you still have a place in my heart
but but my life is not about youMohammed Hamaki - Ressala -
I won't die just because you're not next to me
simply because you're not what make me survive
you won't kill me, you won't erase me
no one has ever humiliated me or made me low